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📢 PUBLIC Page 1023:1/1 | edit | chip 2018-03-28 16:30:09

August 18 2017

The VerUpdate.pl is a Perl script that I use to automatically update the version information during every build. This makes sure every build has a unique version number.

Update 20180328: Added BUILD_NAME option. This is used to "patch up" the version info in the resource script in the pre-link step. Versioning

VerUpdate.pl: ############################################################################ ## VerUpdate.pl: Updates build info in VerFile.h and Resource.rc files ## ## Chip Doran ## ## May 2011: Initial version ## ## Jul 2012: Unicode support ## ############################################################################ use strict; use Encode; use File::stat; use POSIX qw(strftime); ############################################################################ ## Input files ## ## VerProd.h: Global to the entire product line. ## ## This file should contain (at least) these lines: ## ## #define VER_PROD_MAJOR 1 ## ## #define VER_PROD_MINOR 1 ## ## #define VER_PROD_BUILD 1 ## ## VerFile.h: For each executable, library, etc. ## ## This file should contain (at least) these lines: ## ## #define VER_FILE_MAJOR 1 ## ## #define VER_FILE_MINOR 0 ## ## #define VER_FILE_BUILD 2 ## ## Resource.rc: Windows Visual Studio resource script. ## ## The following lines will be updated to reflect VerProd.h, VerFile.h: ## ## FILEVERSION 1,0,0,0 ## ## PRODUCTVERSION 1,0,0,0 ## ## VALUE "FileVersion", "1,0,0,0" ## ## VALUE "ProductVersion", "1,0,0,0" ## ## VALUE "Builder", "$BuilderID" ## ## VALUE "BuildTime", "$BuildTime" ## ############################################################################ ############################################################################ ## Globals ## ############################################################################ our $DoProdIncr= 0; ##Do increment VerProd.h:BUILD? our $DoDebug= 0; ##Do print debug text? our $DoOverwrite= 1; ##Do rewrite input files? our $DoEcho= 0; ##Do echo file read/write? our $DoSet_BUILD_NAME= 0; ##Do overwrite version/OriginalName with BUILD_NAME? our $FileFName; ##VerFile.h file our $ProdFName= ''; ##VerProd.h file our $ResourceFName; ##Resource.rc file our $ProdMajor= 1; ##Product version info our $ProdMinor= 0; our $ProdBuild= 0; our $FileMajor= 1; ##File version info our $FileMinor= 0; our $FileBuild= 0; our $BuildTime= strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",localtime); our $BuilderID= $ENV{"COMPUTERNAME"}; ##Builder machine name our @Lines= (); ##Holds entire file, without newlines our $BOM; ##Set if not ASCII text. our $Encoding; ##Set to encoding name (UTF-16LE) our $NewLine= "\r\n"; ##Newline to be appended to each line ############################################################################ ## Command line arguments ## ############################################################################ foreach(@ARGV) { if(/^prod=(.*)/i) { $ProdFName= $1; } elsif(/^prodincr/i) { $DoProdIncr= 1; } elsif(/^builder=(.*)/i) { $BuilderID= $1; } elsif(/^resource=(.*)/i) { $ResourceFName= $1; } elsif(/^help/i) { DoHelp(); } elsif(/^debug/i) { $DoDebug= 1; } elsif(/^readonly/i) { $DoOverwrite= 0; } elsif(/^write/i) { $DoOverwrite= 1; } elsif(/^echo/i) { $DoEcho= 1; } elsif(/^build_name/i) { $DoSet_BUILD_NAME= 1; } else { $FileFName= $_; } } if($ProdFName) { print "Reading product info from $ProdFName...\n"; ReadLines($ProdFName); $ProdMajor= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_PROD_MAJOR",0); $ProdMinor= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_PROD_MINOR",0); $ProdBuild= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_PROD_BUILD",$DoProdIncr); WriteLines($ProdFName); } if($FileFName) { print "Reading file info from $FileFName...\n"; ReadLines($FileFName); UpdateBuilderID($BuilderID); $FileMajor= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_FILE_MAJOR",0); $FileMinor= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_FILE_MINOR",0); $FileBuild= UpdateBuildNumber("VER_FILE_BUILD",1); UpdateBuildTime(); WriteLines($FileFName); if($ResourceFName) { print "Updating resource script $ResourceFName...\n"; UpdateResource(); } } print "DONE\n" if $DoDebug; sub DoHelp { print "VerUpdate filename [debug] [prod=file.h] [builder=name] [resource=project.rc]\n"; print "Updates version information.\n"; print " debug Enables verbose output\n"; print " prod=file Read product version from file\n"; print " prodincr Increment product build\n"; print " builder=name Set Builder name\n"; print " resource=file Update resource script's version block\n"; print " help Display usage help\n"; print " readonly Write output files to .new\n"; print " echo Print files as read and written.\n"; exit; } ############################################################################ ## Determine the Unicode encoding by reading the BOM (Byte Order Marker) ## ## from the first 2 bytes of the file. ## ## Currently only supports UTF-16LE (0xFEFF) (Windows default). ## ## Everything else is assumed to be 8bit ASCII. ## ############################################################################ sub GetEncoding { my $FName= shift(@_); open(FILE,"<:raw",$FName) or die "Unable to get encoding for $FName.\n"; binmode(FILE); $BOM= unpack('S!',substr(<FILE>,0,2)); if($BOM==0xFEFF) { printf("BOM[%04X] Using UTF-16LE\n",$BOM) if $DoDebug; $Encoding= 'UTF-16LE'; $NewLine= encode($Encoding,"\r\n"); } else { printf("BOM[%04X] Assuming ASCII\n",$BOM) if $DoDebug; $Encoding= 0; $BOM= 0; } close(FILE); } ############################################################################ ## Read the entire file into the @Lines array. ## ## Dealing with Unicode, BOM, and CRLF is a real PitA with perl! ## ############################################################################ sub ReadLines { my $FName= shift(@_); @Lines= (); printf("Reading \'%s\'\n",$FName) if $DoDebug; GetEncoding($FName); if($BOM) { ReadLinesUnicode($FName); } else { ReadLinesAscii($FName); } chomp(@Lines); } #Reading a Unicode file. #The entire file needs to be read in RAW mode, decoded, then split into lines. #Otherwise, perl messes up the 0D0A sequences and garbles the unicode. sub ReadLinesUnicode { my $FName= shift(@_); my $ContentRaw; my $ContentDec; open(FILE,"<:raw",$FName) or die "Unable to open '$FName' for reading.\n"; $ContentRaw= do { local $/; <FILE> }; close(FILE); $ContentDec= decode($Encoding,$ContentRaw); @Lines= split("\r\n",$ContentDec); } sub ReadLinesAscii { my $FName= shift(@_); open(FILE,"<",$FName) or die "Unable to open '$FName' for reading.\n"; while(<FILE>) { print "$_" if $DoEcho; push(@Lines,$_); } close(FILE); } ############################################################################ ## Write the entire @Lines array back out to the file. ## ############################################################################ sub WriteLines { my $FName= shift(@_); $FName= $FName.".new" if !$DoOverwrite; print "Writing $FName using '$Encoding'\n" if $DoDebug; print "------\n" if $DoDebug; ClearReadOnly($FName); if($BOM) { WriteLinesUnicode($FName); } else { WriteLinesAscii($FName); } } #Writing a Unicode file. #The file needs to be written in RAW mode, otherwise the CRLF's will be #all messed up. The NewLine needs to be encoded before being written. #The BOM needs to be updated after the file has been written. sub WriteLinesUnicode { my $FName= shift(@_); my $ContentDec; open(FILE,">:raw",$FName) or die "Unable to open '$FName' for writing.\n"; foreach(@Lines) { print FILE encode($Encoding,$_).$NewLine; } close(FILE); printf("Writing BOM[%04X]\n",$BOM) if $DoDebug; open(FILE,"+<:raw",$FName); binmode(FILE); print FILE pack('S!',$BOM); close(FILE); } sub WriteLinesAscii { my $FName= shift(@_); open(FILE,">",$FName) or die "Unable to open '$FName' for writing.\n"; foreach (@Lines) { print "$_\n" if $DoEcho; print FILE "$_\n"; } close(FILE); } ############################################################################ ## Clear the ReadOnly flag for both Windows and Linux. ## ############################################################################ sub ClearReadOnly { my $FName= shift(@_); my $Attr= stat($FName); if(-r $FName) { printf("$FName attribute: %x\n",$Attr->mode) if $DoDebug; print "$FName: Enable Writes\n" if $DoDebug; chmod($Attr->mode|0222,$FName); } } ############################################################################ ## Find and increment the builder number ## ## This is performed on the @Lines array. ## ############################################################################ sub UpdateBuildNumber { my $Token= shift(@_); my $DoIncr= shift(@_); my $IsFound= 0; my $BuildID= 0; foreach (@Lines) { if(/^#define $Token(\s+?)([0-9]+)(.*)/) { $BuildID= $2+$DoIncr; $_= "#define $Token$1$BuildID$3"; print "Found: $_\n" if $DoDebug; $IsFound= 1; } } if(!$IsFound) { $BuildID= $DoIncr; print "$Token not found.\n"; $Lines[$#Lines]= "#define $Token $BuildID"; } return($BuildID); } #Find and set the VER_BUILDER ident. sub UpdateBuilderID { my $Builder= shift(@_); my $IsFound= 0; foreach (@Lines) { if(/^#define VER_BUILDER(\s+?)\"([^"])*\"(.*)/) { $_= "#define VER_BUILDER$1\"$Builder\"$3"; print "Found: $_\n" if $DoDebug; $IsFound= 1; } } if(!$IsFound) { print "VER_BUILDER not found.\n"; $Lines[$#Lines]= "#define VER_BUILDER \"$Builder\""; } } #Find and set the VER_BUILD_TIME line. sub UpdateBuildTime { my $IsFound= 0; foreach(@Lines) { if(/^#define VER_BUILD_TIME(\s+?)\"([^"])*\"(.*)/) { $_= "#define VER_BUILD_TIME$1\"$BuildTime\"$3"; print "Found: $_\n" if $DoDebug; $IsFound= 1; } } if(!$IsFound) { print "VER_BUILD_TIME not found.\n"; $Lines[$#Lines]= "#define VER_BUILD_TIME \"$BuildTime\""; } } ############################################################################ ## Resource Script ## ## Update the version information in a resource script to match. ## ############################################################################ sub UpdateResource { my $IsUpdate; ReadLines($ResourceFName); foreach(@Lines) { $IsUpdate= 1; if(/^( *)(FILEVERSION) */) { $_= "$1$2 $FileMajor,$FileMinor,0,$FileBuild"; } elsif(/^( *)(PRODUCTVERSION) */) { $_= "$1$2 $ProdMajor,$ProdMinor,0,$ProdBuild"; } elsif(/^( *)(VALUE \"FileVersion\",)/i) { $_= "$1$2 \"$FileMajor,$FileMinor,0,$FileBuild\""; } elsif(/^( *)(VALUE \"ProductVersion\",)/i) { $_= "$1$2 \"$ProdMajor,$ProdMinor,0,$ProdBuild\""; } elsif(/^( *)(VALUE \"Builder\",)/i) { $_= "$1$2 \"$BuilderID\""; } elsif(/^( *)(VALUE \"BuildTime\",)/i) { $_= "$1$2 \"$BuildTime\""; } elsif($DoSet_BUILD_NAME && /^( *)(VALUE \"OriginalFilename",)/i) { $_= "$1$2 BUILD_NAME"; } else { $IsUpdate= 0; } print "UPDATE: $_\n" if $IsUpdate && $DoDebug; } ClearReadOnly($ResourceFName); WriteLines($ResourceFName); } #/**EOF: VerUpdate.pl**/

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