n l i t e d
June 6 2016
Ω Ohm Ω |
💩 Poo 💩 |
☺ Happy Face ☺ |
😉 Wink 😉 |
☣ Biohazard ☣ |
☢ Radiation ☢ |
☠ Skull and Crossbones ☠ |
⏱ Stopwatch ⏱ |
☘ Shamrock ☘ |
⌨ Keyboard ⌨ |
☕ Coffee ☕ |
☺ Simple Happy ☺ |
☻ Simple Happy ☻ |
➘ Arrows ➘ |
🐀 Animals 🐀 |
📍 Pin 📍 |
☛ Pointer ☛ |
✅ Check ✅ |
🔑 Key 🔑 |
🔒 Lock (closed) 🔒 |
🔓 Lock (open) 🔓 |
📢 Announcement 📢 |
😠 Frown 🐀 |
😱 The Scream 😱 |
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